The trench coat's been finished for a while, I was just too lazy to edit the photos. This colour was so difficult to photograph! Irrespective of the camera settings, the colour never seemed right. It looks almost genuine now, after some editing.

Anyway, I'm very happy with the trench coat. It's very comfortable to
wear, due to the box pleat in the back. The pattern instructions were
comprehensible, except a few parts.

you know, I made a few alterations to the pattern. I'm the most
satisfied with new fitted sleeves, which can be worn down or rolled up. I
love the contrasting lining and belt buckle covered with the same
fabric. The collar and lapels are 1 cm or 3/8 in. narrower and the
button and buttonhole are a little higher than the instructions say.

I added a hanging loop and my signature, of course! This time I printed
it directly on the fabric before sewing. Too bad you can't touch the
fabric. It has a very soft, brushed hand and it's waterproof. According to Fashion for fabric, it's called polyester sateen. Have you ever worked with it?

I'll check back soon with my next project - jeans!