Thursday, 5 April 2012

Handmade wardrobe: spring 2012

A lot of clothes that I make for myself don't go well together with bought garments. That's either because of the specific colour or due to the style of my handmade pieces. Clothes that I buy are usually more casual than clothes that I make. That's why I decided to make a plan. I won't sew separate garments, I will make outfits. In the next two months and a half I will make (or at least I hope so!) three outfits and a trench coat, which will be the first project in a row. Let's take a look ...

Whew, that's eight garments total and I'll take you through various construction stages of each and every piece. I'll be using bought patterns for three of them and making my own for the rest.

Ready, set, go!


  1. I think planning your sewing around outfits is SO smart! That way you know you'll ACTUALLY have something to wear them all with!

    1. That's what I'm looking forward to the most. :)

  2. I love that you are doing this! Such great choices of design and fabric. I'm already loving your outfits. Wow, 8 garments! So inspirational. Now I need to get my arse into gear and get sewing too. :) Good luck!

    1. Thanks, I hope I carry out the plan successfully! :)

  3. wow great selection, i must make these skirt, is really beutifull :) but coat is difficult for me

    1. I saw your 102 blouse, it's lovely! Did you make it in size 38 or did you reduce the pattern to smaller size?

      You should try sewing a coat, it's not as difficult as you may think. Do make a muslin first, you know, just in case ... :)

  4. What great outfits! This is a great idea to organize your sewing. I should make the same, but I have stored a lot of fabrics and no one match.

    1. Yes, it is! You can always dye your fabric, if it's not too dark. :)

  5. Kakšen dober in lep načrt! Trenča se zelo veselim in upam, da si ga kmalu ogledamo tudi tukaj. :)
    Srečno in uspešno izvedbo. Itak vem, da ti bo uspelo. :)

  6. Zgleda super! Komaj čakam, da si bom sposodila kakšne hlače ali pa srajčko :D

  7. Love the floral jacket
